Welcome - We're excited to have you join us at SHY!
Before you come in, visit our Registration Form to create your account. Explore our intro offers and Rates. After buying a service, you may register. Any questions? Call us at (253) 973-9642. To ensure you have a spot in your favorite class, please preregister. If your plans change, no worries--just cancel at least 4 hours before class to avoid a fee. Late cancellations and no-shows will incur a $25 fee. You can register up until 30 minutes before class starts. Our doors open 10 minutes before class and lock right at the start time, so be sure to arrive early. We can't wait to see you on the mat! What should I wear?When taking a hot yoga class, expect to sweat a lot. Hot yoga is practiced in a humid studio around 105 degrees Fahrenheit. How to PrepareHydrate: Good hydration supports the healthy function of all the bodily systems and makes the heat more comfortable! It is also a mandatory safety precaution for first time students and longtime practitioners alike. Electrolytes are recommended. We suggest one gallon of water 12-24 hours prior to class. Come to class on an empty stomach: Large meals should be consumed 3-4 hours before class. Light healthy snacks, fruit, veggies, nuts are okay 1.5-2 hours before class. Yoga feels best when the bowels are empty. What to Bring